Saturday, February 10, 2007

What's in a name??

Courtesy: American Heritage Dictionary

klutz (klŭts): n. Slang

  1. A clumsy person.
  2. A stupid person; a dolt.

[Yiddish klots, from Middle High German kloz, block, lump, from Old High German.]

klutz'i·ness n., klutz'y adj.

Before you take offense to my change of name, let me assure you: Personally, I do not have anything against blacks, or any other so-called 'coloured' individuals. In fact I am not any "fairier" than you (and neither is life). Rather, I would consider myself to be a thoroughly colourful personality.

The emphasis is more on the second word, which perhaps (v)indicates my brain.

As they say, "what's in a name anyway?"

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