Sunday, June 14, 2009

What a day!

I was unable to write. I was unable to comprehend. Words refused to form a sentence. That was all before this weekend. And what a horrible one it has been.

Even before it started i knew it was a goner. There's nothing more I hate than attending a marriage where i knew no one. And here i was, dragged to one of those on the Saturday. I spent the whole day sitting by the corner, staring ahead at no one particular. I was relieved when the day ended, but things were about to get worse.

In the torrential rain, i hit something - a stone or the median, i do not know. All i could see was that i had damaged two wheels, and was lucky to survive. I was grounded for Sunday.

..and Sunday just got worse! I could list it down

1. Waking up all alone in an empty house.
2. The recollection that my car had two damaged wheels in yesterday's rain. Why can't they provide cars with two spares instead of one?
3. The ordeal of changing the spare..
4. The long, three-hour lonely wait at the office while my car was being repaired at the service station

...and the drive to the service station was filled with more depressing sights:

1. The beggar child on the streets hitting her little brother so hard that the kid burst out in tears.
2. A bunch of kids bullying their playmate near the railway tracks.
3. The 2-year old child running helter-skelter on the road, as the cars in front of me screeched to a stop.
4. ...And three villainous kids trying to stone a helpless chameleon to death!

It reminded me of the days when kids in Kerala used to tie stones under the belly of dragonflies. The poor thing would try to fly with the stone, and eventually die. I never took part in such heinous activities - not because I had any love for fellow creatures, but because i was scared stiff of anything small that crawled or flew.

I managed to save the chameleon. It sure feels good to save a it even a chameleon's. Not bad for a depressing weekend.

But this was the weekend that wished came true. Life has a strange way of doing it:

1. The whole week I was grumbling: "Why doesn't it rain?" And it did, I got caught in it, and had an accident.
2. I was grumbling that I didn't want to go for the marriage. I had an accident and was grounded.
3. I was unable to write...and here I am describing about a depressing weekend.

Those who want their wishes to come true should read the story of "The Monkey's Paw".

1 comment:

Pragati said...

Hoping for tomw to b a better day...the block surely hasn't cleared :(