He was just not interested in us. He was interested only in selling his overproced T-shirts to foreigners. Such snobbery put me off. "If he can do it, why can't I?", I thought. A week later, I was at "Hobby Ideas" - the multi-purpose store in Indira Nagar. Within an hour I had acquired the set of the basic six colours. Brushes took longer, since for that, i had to visit Odyssey - and Odyssey being a book and DVD store, naturally took more time.
The first attempt was a small Mickey Mouse head on a handkerchief. I was encouraged! During the week i discovered another aspect of me - that i could sketch! Star Wars characters sketched in pencil started taking shape on white sheets of paper. It was just a wait till the next weekend. 22 more colours were added to my armoury. No more mixing complex colours!
That handkerchief became my work area. I started work on my first serious effort.
Our (Prags, me and Nam) glass painting came first. And then, there was the slight delay of the Pune trip. But by last weekend, a slightly bemused Anakin Skywalker adorned that handkerchief. I couldn't wait. On Saturday, i went hunting for T-shirts.
Five days later, i was done. And the result? Given below:
Sometimes I surprise myself with what I can do...

Very beautiful :-)
You surprise everybody always!
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